Listen to the audio version of this article: If you use white papers as an essential part of your marketing strategy or plan to soon, you’re in good company. White papers remain a preferred lead generation tool for organizations worldwide, especially those that sell to other businesses.A recent survey showed that 75% of buyers are […]
How to have a better outcome when hiring and working with remote contractors.
Listen to the audio version of this article:While it’s undeniable that relying on remote workers offers many conveniences, it can also have its pitfalls. This article is written to help improve your chances of having the best outcome when hiring remote contract workers.First, know this: dependence on contract workers is here to stay.The shift toward […]
Why is content marketing a perfect growth strategy for B2B companies?
Listen to the audio version of this article:As growing numbers of people express an overwhelming distaste toward online advertising, a business may find itself struggling to retain market share or to reach new customers. The good news is that for companies with longer sales cycles, content marketing is proving to be a solid strategy.B2B (business-to-business) […]
Are you spending your online marketing budget in the right place? Let’s see…
Deciding how best to use your company’s marketing budget can be fraught with confusion and more than just a touch of anxiety. Businesses, big and small, often struggle with finding answers to questions like: “which marketing method works best?” Or “where are others in my industry spending their marketing budgets?”In the worst case scenario, a […]